Petunjuk Penulisan
(Tahoma14pt Bold)
Author Name Without Title, Email
Affiliation: of the College or University where the Author works
Author Name Without Title, Email
Affiliation: of the College or University where the Author works
Abstracts must be written in two languages: English and Bahasa Indonesia. In English using Italic style with 10pt Book Antiqua font, single spaced with a word count of 100-250 words explaining the most relevant aspects of the article. The abstract must contain the core problem/objective to be addressed, theoretical studies, research methods used, and findings and conclusions. The abstract should only be written in one paragraph with a one-column format. The abstract should include two to five keywords, and the format should follow the template.
Keywords: filled with key words separated by signs (,)
Contains the introduction and background of the problem in the research. Reveal the problems that occur and explain the importance of studying the problem in the research. Write a brief theoretical foundation based on quotations from scientific articles. The cited articles must be relevant to the research. Articles must be published within the last 10 years. Articles must come from journals of national and international repute and be accessible via the internet.
Articles should be written approximately between 5,000 - 9,000 words including body text, tables, figures, notes, and reference list. Articles should be written in word document (MS Word), A4 paper, 1.15 spaces (single space), and using Tahoma 11pt font. Margin 2:2:2:2
Methods used in solving problems such as qualitative methods, quantitative methods, literature study methods, and interpretation methods as well as case studies. The method used to answer the research question must be explained in detail along with the stages in the research conducted. In the research method the author needs to mention the method of data collection, data analysis, type of research, time, and place of research (if the research is based on field research), mention the hypothesis if the researcher's research has it (optional).
Results and discussion can be presented using subtitles as needed. The results and discussion contain data collected during the research process and analysis of the data. Research results include a description of the data that has been collected, data analysis, and data interpretation using relevant theories. Research results should be clear and concise. The discussion section should explore the significant results of the work, not repeat what already exists. It should be noted that in the results and discussion section, it is not allowed to include tables or figures from other sources. Tables and figures included are only those sourced from the author (research results or research documentation).
This section can contain conclusions and suggestions which are the essence of the entire discussion which must be related to the research objectives. Each research objective must be answered by one conclusion. Conclusions must be written using cohesive paragraphs, not point by point. conclusions can be followed by suggestions or recommendations relating to matters that need to be followed up by readers as future researchers, certain professions or certain position holders. Recommendations must be written using cohesive paragraphs. Recommendations if needed.
All quotations included in the text of the article using Fotenote (footnotes) and or belly quotations must then be listed in the Bibliography section. The Bibliography must contain references from primary sources (scientific journals and amount to a minimum of 60% of the entire bibliography) published in the last 10 (ten) years. Each article should contain at least 15 (fifteen) references. The writing of the bibliography should be alphabetical.
American Sociological Association. 2006. "Status Committees." Washingon, D.C.: American Sociological Association. Retrieved July 10, 2010 (
Beeghley, Leonard. 2000. The structure of social stratification in the United States. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
Campbell, Mary E. 2009. "Multiracial Groups and Educational Inequality: A Rainbow Or a Divide?" Social Problems 56(3):h 425-446.
Duke, Lynne. 1994. "Confronting Violence: African American Conferees Look Inward." Washington Post, January 8, pp. A1, A10.
If in the article the author will include images, graphs, photos, and diagrams, they must be placed in the center. The number and title are typed below the figure, graph, photo, and diagram. The number and words of the figure, graph, photo, and diagram are typed in bold with Times New Roman typeface and 12pt font size, and placed in the center, then the title is typed normally (not bold). Figures, graphs, photos, and diagrams are not in colorful type, and in high resolution, minimum 300-dpi/1600 pixels (MUST be black and white, or gray).
Then if the article uses a table, the title of the table should be typed above the table and align text to the left, 12pt Times New Roman font. The word table and number are typed in bold, while the title of the table is not typed in bold (normal). The table should be typed with align text to the left. Writing the content of the table, should be typed in Times New Roman 10pt, 1.0 space. Tables should not be presented in images, but typed in real table-office word formatting.